A tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone. Teeth are usually extracted because they are damaged, decayed, or overcrowded.

Since ancient times, extractions have been performed for a variety of reasons. In early civilizations, tooth removal was often carried out to relieve toothaches. Toothaches were one of the most common complaints among people, and extraction was thought to be the best way to treat it. Today, tooth extractions are still commonly performed, but they are done for many other reasons.

If you’re searching for tooth extraction Denver and pediatric dentist Denver, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We aim to help you make the best decision for your child’s smile. If you are looking for tooth extraction near me, call (303) 953-8801 to or complete the online booking form. 

Testing room

Four Reasons Why a Tooth is Pulled

  1. Tooth decay: Tooth decay happens when the tooth’s enamel breaks down. This can happen for several reasons, such as genetics, poor dental hygiene, and eating too many sugary foods. Once tooth decay starts, it can quickly spread to the inner layers of the tooth, causing pain and eventually leading to the need for tooth extraction.
  2. Overcrowding: This is often the case with wisdom teeth, the last teeth to come in. If there is not enough room in the mouth, they can become impacted, which means they are stuck under the gums. Impacted teeth can cause a lot of pain, and tooth extraction may be necessary to remove them.
  3. Orthodontics: If the teeth are crowded, your dentist may recommend removing one or more teeth to make room for them to move into their correct position during orthodontic treatment.
  4. Trauma or injury: Tooth extraction may be necessary if a tooth has been chipped or broken.

When a Child Needs a Tooth Extraction

There are a few common reasons why a child’s tooth may need to be removed. Sometimes extractions are necessary because baby teeth don’t fall out on their own. Baby teeth typically start to fall out around age 6, but they can sometimes become loose much earlier or much later. Baby teeth are like space savers for the permanent teeth growing behind them. If a baby tooth does not fall out on its own, it may need to be extracted so that the adult tooth can come in, and orthodontics may not be necessary.

Children’s teeth that are badly decayed or infected may also need to be extracted. If tooth decay is not treated, it can cause pain and infection. Infection in the tooth can spread and cause dangerous complications, so it is important to treat it right away.

Tooth extraction in a child should be a last resort and only done when it is necessary to improve your child’s oral health.

Sedation Options for Tooth Extraction

There are a few different sedation options available for extraction. The type of sedation you will receive will depend on the complexity of the procedure, your level of anxiety, and your dentist’s preference.

  • Local anesthesia: the most common type of sedation for a simple extraction. It numbs the gum tissue around the tooth so that you will not feel any pain during the procedure.
  • Nitrous oxide: also known as laughing gas, is a type of sedation that helps you relax and is often used in combination with local anesthesia.
  • Oral Sedation: a type of sedation that is taken by mouth in the form of a pill. It will make you drowsy and relaxed, but you will still be awake during the procedure.
  • IV Sedation: a type of sedation given through an IV in your arm. It will make you very sleepy, and you may not remember the procedure.
Child's medical dentist

Is Sedation Safe for Kids?

Yes, sedation is safe for kids when done by a trained professional. Your dentist will carefully choose the type of sedation and the right dosage for your child based on their age, weight, and level of anxiety. The dentist will discuss your child’s medical history with you to ensure that there are no underlying medical conditions that could make sedation dangerous.

How a Tooth is Extracted

The tooth extraction procedure is usually pretty straightforward. The dentist will numb the area around the tooth with local anesthesia (a numbing agent). Once the tooth is numb, the dentist will use a tool to loosen the tooth and remove it. If the tooth is impacted, the dentist may need to make an incision in the gum to access the tooth and remove it.

After the tooth is removed, the dentist will clean the tooth socket and place a gauze pad over the empty socket to help stop the bleeding. You may be given stitches to close the incision in your gum, but this is not always necessary.

Is it Safe?

Tooth extraction is a safe procedure, but there are always risks with any type of surgical procedure. The most common complication is pain and discomfort after the procedure. You may also have bleeding and swelling, and these complications are easily managed with pain medication and ice packs.

In rare cases, more serious complications, such as infection, and damage to the surrounding teeth or the jawbone, can occur. These complications are more likely to occur if you have a complex tooth extraction or underlying medical conditions.

Dos and Don’ts After Extraction

You can help reduce your risk of complications by following your dentist’s instructions before and after the dental extraction. Here are some tips to follow after tooth extraction to aid the healing process.



  • take pain medication as prescribed by your dentist
  • use an ice pack to reduce swelling
  • eat soft foods (smoothies, eggs, porridge, soup, etc.) for a few days, gradually adding solid foods
  • brush your teeth gently, avoiding the surgery site
  • rinse your mouth with salt water


  • drink from a straw; this could lead to dry socket  (blood clot becomes dislodged)
  • eat hard foods or chewy foods until the site is healed
  • brush your teeth vigorously
  • touch or poke the surgery site with your tongue or finger
  • engage in strenuous physical activity for 24 hours

When to Call the Dentist

You should call your dentist if you have any of the following concerns after your tooth extraction:

  • severe pain, swelling, or bleeding
  • a bad taste in your mouth that does not go away
  • fever or chills
  • oozing or pus coming from the extraction site

Worry-Free Tooth Extraction In Denver

Tooth extraction does not have to be stressful. Our team will make sure you are comfortable and relaxed throughout the procedure. We offer sedation options to help you relax and ensure you have a positive experience. If you’re searching for tooth extraction in Denver or tooth extraction near me, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Visit us in Denver at Denver Youth Dental and Vision and Hampden Youth Dental and Orthodontics. We also serve the Thornton and Aurora population. Visit us at Aurora Youth Dental and Vision and Thornton Youth Dentistry. Call (303) 953-8801 to book an appointment or complete the online booking form. If you are searching for a kids dentist near me, trust the experts at Youth Dental and Vision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Tooth Extraction Hurt?

Most people report feeling pressure during the extraction procedure but very little pain. This is because of the local anesthesia used to numb the area around the tooth. You may also be given sedation to help you relax.

How Long Does Tooth Extraction Take?

Tooth extraction usually takes less than 30 minutes, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

Can I Use Mouthwash After Tooth Extraction?

You should not use mouthwash for at least 24 hours after tooth extraction. Use a saltwater rinse by mixing 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 8oz of warm water.

How Soon Can I Eat Ice Cream After Tooth Extraction?

You can eat ice cream as soon as you feel comfortable after tooth extraction. Be sure to eat soft foods for the first few days and avoid hard or chewy foods.

How To Choose a Pediatric Dentist?

When choosing a pediatric dentist for your child, it is important to look for one who is experienced and has a good reputation. You should also ensure the dentist is board certified and licensed to practice in your state. Additionally, check that the office is clean and up-to-date with the latest technology. Visit us today and see why Youth Dental and Vision is the best choice for your child!